Why You Should Learn Python

Besides this, there are certain popular libraries and frameworks which developers use very often Pandas, Tensorflow, Keras, Django, Flask, Matplotlib, Seaborn, etc. in different projects. A recent survey suggests that today we’ve around 9 million active developers who are using Python regularly for different purposes such as data mining, machine learning, automation, etc. Thus, enabling a strong community works just like a backbone so that it stands strong.

reasons to learn python

Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. In Stack Overflow’s 2021 Developer Survey, 48% of respondents said they work with Python. When other respondents were asked which technology they had a desire to learn, Python ranked first as the most wanted technology among developers. Over 30 years later, Python remains one of the most popular programming languages among hobbyist and professional developers worldwide.

Demonstrated efficiency in multiple fields is the prominent reason that Python is the first choice for developers. Let’s walk through the main reasons that make Python an important language for programmers to master. Out of all the languages that a developer prefers to develop a particular development task, Python has emerged as a prominent choice. A general-purpose programming https://bitcoin-mining.biz/ language empowers software developers to implement varying programming styles while creating any application. This includes object-oriented, functional and reflective programming styles, per the needs of the software development task. Python has become the needing environment for scientific community with specialist libraries ranging from Astropy to Biopython.

So, reading the documentation is a good way to actually learn Python and become better at it at any stage of your learning process. One of the reasons why Python’s popularity is growing so rapidly and is adopted by so many organizations is that it’s an open-source language that allows you to take advantage of extremely rich libraries. You’ll no doubt hear people referring to it as the “batteries included” language for this very reason. What is more, Python libraries do all the heavy lifting for you. Whatever the topic, in most cases, there’s already an existing Python library for it – all you need to know is how to use it.

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This only allows a single sequence of bytecode instructions to be executed at a time. If you are a beginner with no coding experience, do not worry about these drawbacks too much. Just know that Python is not always perfect and feel free skip to the next section. When you run into some trouble with your code, chances are you find a solution from these developer forums. This is a long period of time and during these years the Python community has matured well.

reasons to learn python

He has 6+ years of product experience with a Masters in Marketing and Business Analytics. Python supports different modules and packages, which allows program modularity and code reuse. I wanted to check if we are receiving any UDP traffic on that box and that port or not, but I couldn’t find a handy UNIX command to do that. My friend, who sits next to me, was learning Python, and he wrote a utility in just 5 minutes to intercept UDP messages using one of the Python modules.

This article contains some of the best free Python classes and certifications from Udemy, Coursera, Pluralsight, CodeCademy, and other popular platforms. Python is growing really fast and for a significant time, and it makes a lot of sense to learn a growing programming major programming language if you are just starting your programming career. If you are interested in machine learning, want to do a pet project, or just want to play around, Python is the only major programming language that makes it easy. Since then, the language has been adapted to the latest advancements, with developers continuously releasing new and improved versions.

Can work with other programming languages.

Python is considered as one of the most popular and in-demand programming language. A recent Stack Overflow survey showed that Python has taken over languages such as Java, C, C++ and has made its way to the top. This makes Python certification one of the most sought-after programming certifications.

  • Since working on the command line is not easy for everyone, they created a powerful web interface to Python and named it Jupyter Notebook.
  • In contrast, a compiler would convert source code into non-portable machine code which could only be executed on a specific platform.
  • This efficiency means that the average Python program can be written in fewer lines of code than almost any other language.
  • Nowadays, professional software engineers make up only a fraction of the total population of coders.

I explored Python’s language constructs, it’s special keywords, and overall the syntax. With this, I was able to quickly draw similarities on how to do in Python the same things I was used to writing in BASIC. Moreover, Python has built-in functions to test variable types and proper usage. It also has automatic memory management for managing and dealing with several dynamic storage management which is useful for sharing, segmentation, preallocation, or caching. Portability refers to an application’s ability to run across various operating systems .

We are in an age where there’s certainly no shortage of cyberattacks, and security is becoming every developer’s job. Whether your journey involves, desktop, web-based or enterprise software development, Python has you covered. If you’re embarking on a personal journey of becoming a professional developer or want to create the next big thing, then success comes from being agile and iterating. This means that you have to try out what works and what doesn’t, and repeat what works until you achieve your goal. After a couple of months playing around with Python, I was impressed by how the code was easily readable.

The right choice solely depends on the purpose and problem-solving ability of the language. Moreover, choice depends on how the programmer is implementing the certain language. Above all, market demand is a terribly important factor when choosing a particular language to learn. Having a broad understanding of languages will always help you make the right choice for performing a particular development task. Over the period, the more python started gaining popularity, the more updates and changes have been made and implemented every year.

With our curriculum teaching both Python and SQL, our goal is to ensure you have the skills required to succeed in today’s demanding job market. With an exponentially growing community around data science, machine learning, AI, web dev and more, Python is a language that opens programming access to the world. Now that you know the Top 10 reasons to learn Python Programming, and how it can give you a career boost, the next step is simple. Simplilearn’s comprehensive Python Training Course trains you in the basics of Python, data operations, shell scripting, conditional statements, and Django. The course offers hands-on development experience and will prepare you for an exciting and accelerated career in Python programming. – If you don’t mind learning from free resources like free books, tutorials, and courses, then I also suggest you check out this list of 10 Free Python Programming courses to kick-start your Python developer journey.

Interactive Jupyter Notebook & Pandas

Plus, more and more organizations across various industries are adopting Python for data processing, web and enterprise applications. While different Python libraries are needed to extract value from data virtualization and other niche applications, the language is set to remain the prominent choice for business application and data science developers. Python is one of the most loved programming languages by developers, data scientists, software engineers, and even hackers because of its versatility, flexibility, and object-oriented features. Many of the web and mobile applications we enjoy today because of Python’s abundant libraries, various frameworks, vast modules, and file extensions. Moreover, Python is great for building micro-project to macro enterprise web services and supporting other types of programming languages. With a plethora of programming languages available today, the important question is “Which programming language does a programmer prioritize learning?

reasons to learn python

One of the main advantages of Python is that it’s intuitive and straightforward, and that’s what makes it likable for anyone who wants to get a result rather than lost in code. Part of the joy of Python being so versatile and usable in so many different areas of technology is that there are always positions available for those with Python skills. Almost anything to do with mathematics and statistics will have lots of Python in it. All our courses are free to audit, and we’re in the process of developing an entire computer science curriculum to take you from your current level to a CS grad.

Scripting and Automation

Python is one of the most popular programming languages that exist. It’s simple, easy to learn and powerful enough to build a web application and automate routine tasks. Python is an open-sourced language, and in recent years has increased in popularity due to its use in data science. Python also has a strong community around machine learning, data modeling, data analysis and artificial intelligence , with extensive resources and libraries built for these purposes. Python is an open-sourced, server-side programming language that lets developers build multiple types of applications.

That’s why it would be smart to take the Caltech Post Graduate Program in Data Scienceand flesh out your skillset. The course teaches you data operations in Python, strings, conditional statements, error handling, and the commonly used Python web framework, Django. Python has a massive community that can help you in programming errors or issues with the software. You can post your queries in community forums, and community members will address it in real quick time.

A free, bi-monthly email with a roundup of Educative’s top articles and coding tips. If you’re completely new to programming, you might want to check out Learn Python 3 from Scratch. This free course assumes no prior programming experience and covers the basics of Python from the ground up.

GitHub’s “State of the Octoverse” summary has Python as second most popular language across all of GitHub’s repositories. Part of this is because Python is available on all platforms; part is because it’s useful in almost every field; and part is because it’s quite easy to grasp. This Azure Cloud Engineer Job Description Template is helped a lot by Python’s friendliness extending to the Python community as a whole. Stack Overflow has a vibrant community of people asking and answering Python questions and it’s a good place to get help. Name a large company, and they’ve probably adopted Python in some capacity.

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