Tax Due Diligence in M&A Financial transactions

Often forgotten by buyers focused on quality of cash flow analyses and also other non-financial diligence reviews, duty due diligence is usually an essential area of the M&A process. With the complexity of Government, state and native tax regulations, the variety taxes imposed by businesses, aggressive (and occasionally evasive) strategies employed to reduce or defer taxation, vigorous enforcement by taxing authorities and expanding bottoms for starting state taxes nexus, M&A transactions present significant potential risks that will otherwise end up being hidden without a thorough overview of tax affairs.

Tax research, generally performed on the buy side of the transaction, investigates all types of taxation that may be imposed upon an enterprise and challenging jurisdictions it may fall under. It can be more concerned with significant potential tax exposures (such because overstated net operating deficits, underreported taxes payable or deferred and unknown taxable income) than with relatively small skipped items, including an improperly disallowed foods and entertainment deductions, which are included in the preparer penalty exception under Circular 230.

Practice tip: Additionally to performing tax due diligence around the buy side of M&A financial transactions, savvy Certified public accountants will conduct sell-side duty due diligence for clients taking into consideration the sale of their company. This is an effective way to name potential deal-breakers, such as a lack of adequate talk about tax stores or unknown or outstanding tax debts, which could effect the sale price of a business. By handling these issues just before a prospective buyer discovers them, vendors can maintain control over the M&A process and potentially bargain a higher deal price for business.

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